Monday, November 23, 2009


Cyberbullying is bullying someone over the internet or text based communication. Does not take place in person.

Article link:

Article Title: Cyberbullying : A Victims Story

This article is about howa girl was bullied by a group of her classmates. Instead of letting it continue she told her dad about it and showed him the conversation. The police got involved and stopped the situation before it got out of hand.

I think that she did a good job with how she handled the situation. I think that she could have said something even sooner though before she was threatened. The police on the other hand should have charged the group for harrasment rather than just letting them get away with a warning.

The bullies got away with a warning. The girl who was bullied is still alive and she is not bothered now by the bullies.

I think that the girl should have stopped the conversation once she knew that she did know know the girl who was IMing her. I think that she could have stopped it short or just have blocked them in the first place.

This applies to the school by giving out a good message to tell your parents when somethign like this happens rather than waiting till the last minute.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Staying Civil Online

5 Rules for Internet etiquette are :

1. Don't say anything you wouldn't say in person
2. Keep in mind anything you post will forever be on the Internet
3. Nothing is a secret and can always be accessed
4. Photoshop is quite popular, so watch what pictures you post
5. Bullying online is a public offence

Staying Civil Online is about how their is an honor system that every person must follow when they access the internet. A few netiquettes for being civil online are as followed :
1. Behave as though you are commmunicating in person
- Act as if you are talking to them in person, I think this is good because if you wouldn't say it to their face, don't say it to them over the internet
2.Remember that your words are open to interpretation
- Jokes, sarcasm, and other humorus attempts can be misunderstood as a hurtful meaning. I think that you should be very careful and make sure that it is clear when you are joking.
3. Do not "shout" online
- typing in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS is shouting and rude, I think that it really does make a difference when in all CAPS
4. Do not "flame" other users
- Flaming is posting insults or derogatory content, ecspecially when it concerns someone else. I think that you should definately watch out for this because it can lead you to great trouble
5. Do not send spam
- Spam is just like junk mail and can be illegal. I think this is something to stay out of because it has not real point and wastes peoples times.
6. Do not distribute Copyrighted Material
- Giving out licensed material that the person did not pay for, this is a huge offense and can lead you to a great deal of charges.
7. Do not be a coward
- Do not conceal your identity, I think this is good because by not doing so you would not act in a manner that would be considered rude.

I think that netiquette is very important because without it the internet would just be a nest for hatred and bullying.

Acceptable Use Policy

An Acceptable Use Policy is a guideline of rules outling what is the correct way to use a product and to make an agreement with you that you will not use the product in any manner which it is not mean to be used for.

An AUP at Glenvar would be the one we signed for our laptops.
Five of the rules we must follow are :
1. No stickers on laptop
- This is important because it keeps the value of the laptop up
2. No downloading anything on your laptop
- Keeps your computer from having to much stuff on it and away from viruses
3. No intentional breaking of the laptop
- Makes sure that you have something for school
4. No using the internet for anything but school work
- Makes sure your education is the most important thing and is what the laptop is for
5. Act as if you are always in a public area
- Keeps you out of trouble and off of sites that may get you in trouble

An AUP could be put in place at a job by getting you to sign an agreement to follow certan procedures when dealing with large machinary and if you fail to do so and get hurt, you can not sue the company.

AUP's are necessary because of the past experiences of law suits. They are put their for the users safety.

If I were the boss of my own company, the rules I would set for my computers would be :
1. No personal shopping
2. No personal emailing
3. No streaming media
4. Any use of the computer for non work related procedures will be deducted from pay by the minute
5. Anything on the computer or accessed by the computer has the right to be watched, saved, and documented by the corporation


Emotions are your feelings towards certain situation.
An emoticon is a way to express an emotion over the internet with out typing the emotion itself.

Examples of emoticons :
: ) Happy
: ( Sad
: D Excited
: Upset
; ) Just kidding
: D* Drooling
: p Making fun
:'( Crying
>:( Mad
:) Unibrow

An acronym is short hand for a pharse, usually used over IM or texting.

Examples of acronyms :
ILY : I Love You
OMG : Oh My Gosh
BRB : Be Right Back
IDK : I Dont Know
IDC : I Dont Care
LOL : Laugh Out Loud
ROFL : Rolling On the Floor Laughing
BC : Because
MSG : Message
G2G: Got to Go

Monday, November 9, 2009


HTML is hyper text markup language. A tag describes web pages. Example : (no stars)
Open tags is what would start the encoding much like which would bold things while <*/b> is what would end the bolding. To create your own webpage you must of the knowledge of simple html and be ablet o find resources to provide you with unknown informatin about codes. You will first start your webpage out with <*html><*body> then close it with <*/html?<*/body> (again no stars, stars just keep the blog from acting out on the html itself. ) Then you will enter in your codes and text. Make sure to do only one thing at a time and to save constantly. Three good website are :,, and I feel alright about html but it seems to get the good stuff you would have to study it quite a bit. I already knew how to center, bold, italisize, underline, center, things to that point. I know how to put in background and pictures. I do not know that I will actually use this in the future though because my job is going to be more around pharmacy which does not involve knowing html.