Monday, November 23, 2009


Cyberbullying is bullying someone over the internet or text based communication. Does not take place in person.

Article link:

Article Title: Cyberbullying : A Victims Story

This article is about howa girl was bullied by a group of her classmates. Instead of letting it continue she told her dad about it and showed him the conversation. The police got involved and stopped the situation before it got out of hand.

I think that she did a good job with how she handled the situation. I think that she could have said something even sooner though before she was threatened. The police on the other hand should have charged the group for harrasment rather than just letting them get away with a warning.

The bullies got away with a warning. The girl who was bullied is still alive and she is not bothered now by the bullies.

I think that the girl should have stopped the conversation once she knew that she did know know the girl who was IMing her. I think that she could have stopped it short or just have blocked them in the first place.

This applies to the school by giving out a good message to tell your parents when somethign like this happens rather than waiting till the last minute.

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