Friday, February 26, 2010


DOS is microsofts disk operating system.
Booting is what appears when you first start the computer.
DOS is text based.
To communicate with DOS, the screen has a prompt where you enter a command.
Case insensitive mean that you do not have to worry about whether commands are capitalized or not, an example would be RD/S which could also be rd/s. This will delete all files, even subfolders, whether it is capitalized or not.

4 Useful Things to Learn about DOS
Set path = looking for something in a directory
? in a file means : file name stands for any digit or letter
* in a file means : wildcard, any combination of that letter
. = current directory

7 Very Useful DOS commands, explained.
A: = floppy drive
C: = hard drive
DIR = directory
MD = makes directory
CD = change directory
COPY = copies directory
DEL = deletes directory

DOS is organizes disks by file, directory, and disk drive structure.

Three requirements that must be met for a file to be named includes the 8.3 rule.
An example would be hey.bat

In DOS directories are named by using the MD command followed by the name you want it to have in the root directory or path you wish it to be in.
Example : C:\documents and settings\ MD brooke

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